Catherine blogs for medical abortion.....

Sorry guys kwa kupotea for a while, I had to keep up with something,was soooo occcupied  yani hadi I had practically forgotten i have this blog and hav to keep it alive...,yani hadi na password ilishaanza kunitoka kichwani lol...

Well back to the topic,jamani we've been hearing of young ladies dying several times on the process of terminating unwanted pregnancies.Mfano only majuzi tu hapa we we heard of a student  wa chuo aliyekufa kwa kutoa mimba,being specific am speaking of surgical abortion yani zile ambazo mpaka mtu akachoropolewe hospitalini in order to get rid of.

Really hivi huwaga kuna any need of getting rid of your unwanted baby the hard way like that????Of course labda i can understand only if your preg has passed it's earliest stages...,but why would you let it go to that stage if  you never wanted the baby?????I believe mtu yoyote ambaye yuko programmed makes decision from the get go.Immediately when u guys(u&ur man) raelise mna mimba mnafanya maamuzi fastaa!Au mtu unakuwa umejua  kuwa ume conceive baadae saaaana...Hivi kunakuwaga na uwezekano wa kutojua kama una mimba hadi inakuwa kubwa..(okeey,tuache zile complex cases  za ' i didn't know i was pregnant ' hadi mtu unajifungua)...Personally, i don't think kuna ulazima wowote wa mtu ku go through surgic. abortion when you can opt medical abortion which i believe is easier.less risky and above all less of a traumatic experience.I haven't experienced abortion myself,but from experience of others oooooh yees you can tell medical abortion ni 100miles far better compared to mambo ya kukorokochoana hospitalini na mikasi.Those who experienced, say it feels more natural.Something like a natural misscarriage you know................mambo ya kukatana fallopian tubes on the process au mtu unajikuta unakiokota kizazi chako bafuni ukioga kimekudondokea baada ya doctor kukikatakata nani anataka badooo?????????that's soo last millenium!!!

Just to help out,for a medical abortion to be succesful na isikusumbue it depends with the abortionn pills used.My ladies i know most of you may not be familiar na hizi misoprostal and believe a good number ofyou are much more comfortable na vidonge kuliko mikasi sema tu mtu anakuwa hajui pa kuanzia basi ndo hapoo kwenye 'misoprostal' na wala usiwaze where to get them,they are available everywhere in almost all kinds of pharmacies be it large scale hadi kwenye vijiduka vya dawa baridii ....Btw ni one of the registered abortion pills kwa zile nchi ambazo abortion ni ruksa.

According to street talk ya hapa na pale na watu wengi unaambiwa hizi dawa never joke.,Research inaonyesha;of 100 women who used misoprotal,96 were completely succesful.,ni kiboko ya unplanned pregnancies na mambo ya kufa kule kisa umekatwa vitu gani sijui yanakuwa hayapo..Yani eti sijui isitoke ni ndoto.Hakunaga...labda iwe kubwa manake ni effective hadi kwa wale wa 12weeks .Yet ukimaliza you don't have to worry about the possibility of you not being able to conceive in  future.

NB;This article is meant and useful only to my readers/friends who live in those countries where abortion is LEGAL


  1. Umesahau kuwakumbusha option ya kufunga miguu kama wanaziogopa mimba zisizopangwa

  2. Siku zote me huwa natumia hizo hizo na mambo safi kusema kweli hata mimi nashukuru sana walotngeneza hivi vidonge la sivyo kusingekalika

  3. Siku zote me huwa natumia hizo hizo na mambo safi kusema kweli hata mimi nashukuru sana walotngneza hivi vidonge la sivyo kusingekalika mbona vingetushuka wengi hivyo vizazi mwenzangu
