Wazungu wana utani aisee....

This story terrified and amused me at the same time.!!!!!!!It has happened in the U.S,a woman walked into her child's toilet only to find out it was occupied by a 12 foot python.One shall imagine it must have been one of the most horrific experience  for her.She said she did not know what to do,then she called the cops.

Hapa ndipo nilipochoka mimi...Long Live United States!!!!Hivi like in Tanzania,utampigia nani  simu polisi  kuripoti ati una emergency nyumbani kwako kaingia nyoka????.Hajisumbui mtu kuja,yaani labda awe ni Anaconda.Na hata wakija basi ni baada ya media reporters kufika iwe ishu kuubwa kwanza.Tena hapo kwenyewe I am sure watakuja kiupambe tu kushangaa Anaconda kafikaje fikaje Bongo na hakuna Amazon basin.....heheheheee.This country should  really re-form its police force.Hatuna polisi kwa kweli...,

Sasa basi baada ya polisi kufika ilibidi wamuondoe nyoka kwa umakini,(I guess walienda na wale wildlife experts ),basi taratiiibu akatolewa,nyoka hakupigwa hata rungu moja ,wakasema analindwa na Animal Protection laws,eti ' Animals have a right to life too'.Na wakawaambia huyo nyoka yuko legally owned na owner alishatoa report of the 'missing animal" kwa polisi earlier so mwenyewe akarudishiwa chatu wake kiulaiiini.I mean that really amused me, and I am like,''That happens only on the U.S soil"... maana i can imagine angekuwa bongo huyo chatu angejuuuta kutoroka porini, hakuna cha kufata haki za wanyama.Ni angepigwa mawe weee na end of the day petroli ingemuhusu.Maana bongo bibi zetu wanasemaga nyoka ukimuua tu  ukamuacha bila kumchoma anajiunga ahahahhaha.............Na huyo owner angekoma pia maana angeambiwa katuma nyoka wa uchawi kwa jirani yake.....I love Tanzania.!

NB: Speaking of snakes, i think I have a mutant friend.She has an abdormal ability!She hates snakes and she can sense their temperature the same way snakes sense ours..I mean she once told me she has an ability to sense  their presence even when it's few metres when she senses it, just before you know it,nyoka huyooo hapo around the corner anakuja.....isn't that amazing...??!!!!

THE"I will stand with the muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction" MYTH


Y'all get a copy of  "THE AUDACITY OF HOPE" a book authoerd by the current U.S president,Barack Obama...
They say being a great politician relies largely on your ability to communicate.I always knew he is a great orator,but i didn't realise he is a good writer too.He is soooo inspiring kwa kweli,you can imagine just when i reached the 53rd page(of 364),i was already planning to become a president one day too...LOL
         Of course, dreaming a LEO u know...
Ile nimemaliza na kuweka tu chini kitabu ndo nikaelewa impacts za media aiseee,usije gombana/kushindana na mtu anaemiliki media itakula kwako.They can bring u down in a minute hata kama ni kwa ku spread uongo,no wonder hata serikali zetu hizi huwa hazi mess na media owners,wanawaogopajee?
 Kumbe ile hadithi ya Obama kusema "I will stand with the muslims,should the political wind shift in an ugly direction" was all a lieeeeee?????
 Personally hadi leo i never knew that was one of the exeggerated stories of the media,hadn't i read the book ningekuwa nime i hold hiyo kitu mpaka leo.duh media is a piece of work,wanatishaaaa!!!!!!Am sure there are millions of me out there who still think Obama really said that statement,....that way the cheap media was trying to convey by then.'can somebody get them a copy of the book pleaseee?????'
Statement ika make headlines bwana!.Akazushiwa kila sehemu sasa, though in real since Obama never ever mentioned muslims in the statement,hayo ndo mambo ya media ku copy-iana bila hata kuwa na uhakika wa habari mwisho ndo mnajikuta wote mmecopy na ku spread uongo.Unakuta hata mwandishi wa media kuuuubwa still anaadika kitu hata bila ya ku prove, sasa badala mtu upitie kwanza kitabu uwe na uhakika kama alisema then ndo uandike instead unafanya copy and paste kurahisisha kazi na ku tengeneza headlines,mind you hao ni waandishi wa nchi kubwa na iliondelea kama U.S vipi kuhusu waandishi wa nchi kama Tz???There is definetely nowhere in the book where Obama mentioned muslims,he only talked about the Pakistan and Arab americans periooooood!
 Contrary to what the media potrayed;
     On the second paragraph of page 261,he writes;

   "Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction

 Considering the context the statement was said,it's clear that the words actually represent a question Obama is being asked by his audiences: "they(arabs and pakistans) need specific assurances ... that he(obama) will stand with them if the political wind does not favour them side when it should be.
Okay okay,maybe writing that was not an outcome of carelessness.Maybe it was done intetionally.Perhaps it was all about politics and efforts to bring him down.But seriously thats just a non-proffesional means of bringing your rival down.Kwa kumuenezea mpinzani wakouongo,it shows how much unashindwa kum-confront mpinzani wako kwa hoja za nguvu ili kumshinda,you only prove he/she is a threat that you can't survive without making something up.Chezeya kuzidiwa hoja.,huwezi kuacha kutapatapa.

Obama was indirectly saying, he would do whatever in his power to stand by all those that needed help including the immigrants in the U.S be it Arab-americans or British-americans,muslim Americans or christian Americans.Technically he was preparing his grounds to become a secular president one day.

The thing is hiyo statement was one of the shits, some media was using against obama hadi kwnye last year election and is still being used upto date.Yani even if Obama's govt releases a wrongly convicted Arab today ,watairudia statement ile ile na kusema," Its so predictable" kwasababu alishawahi ku claim kuwa favour  muslims.For instance,this was another attack using same statement, following the Boston events:



Media kwa uongo wanatisha tena wanam-quote kabisa....ahahahahha....

 On reading this book,i also got to prove the theory i have been holding about lawyers and politicians(of course not because obama said,but how he explained it).I noticed he has similar opinions as mine on these people.Barack views lawyers and politician as a disaster lol....just as I do
On page 48 he writes;
 "… most people who serve in Washington have been trained either as lawyers or as political operatives - professions that tend to place a premium on winning arguments rather than solving problems."

This is soooo true and I will clarify this some other time,infact its another reason why i took some arts subjects and i never went on taking law in college. At a point he added;
'I wish the country had fewer lawyers and more engineers.........ahahhaha waliosoma sheria watanunaje sasa???????

By the way i have opened a new chapter of my life.I just noticed that i have to read a lot of books.Nimeamini huwezi kuwa intellectual hata iweje without reading,be it books,blogs,magazines or novels.If you don't read huwezi kukaa mbele za watu wa maana na ku argue sensibly aiseeee, NEVEEER.You remain good for nothing if you don't read,yani unabaki na ka knowledge kako kale kale ka shule.Huna unalolijua zaidi ya ulofundishwa na mwalimu darasani au ulosoma kwenye kitabu cha economics,baaasi.Soo sad...
Yani kupitia novel,ma movies,books,magazines unakuta mtu hata hajawahi kukanyaga Marekani lakini anakueleza maisha yao yooote,systems zao zooote utadhani amewahi kwenda.Mfano bila movies au kusoma novels nani angejua U.S kuna FBI kama hajawahi kufika?nani angejua royal family inaishije kama hajawahi kufika U.K?Nani angejua prince william is up for the throne kama si kupata story from reading some shits,Nani angejua china kuna death penalty ukidakwa madawa kama hujawahi kufikaaaa?

NANDO SUCKSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the past days we have been seeing Nando and Selly who were once an item getting distant and avoiding each other but not knowing what happened between them.
Thank God that nothing can be kept secret forever and so we had to know the cause why the two fell out.In a hushed conversation between Nando and Bimp,Nando narrated how he got infected with an STD after his liason with selly!
Nando disclosed that Selly gave him chlamydia a Sexually Transmitted Disease, but we can’t tell how true this is. However, if we are to go by the revelations, it explains why the two are no longer getting along well as it was the case at the beginning.

You know I hate that bi*ch !
I'm f*cking frustrated cos that bi*ch *Selly* gave me STD! That's why my blood pressure was high !"

 Nando kanishangazaje sasa!!!!!...was there any need for him to ruin selly's image that rudely by saying out her private issues on the media?So that the whole world know that Selly had an STD,then whaat????Will that cure the infection he just had contacted,It's not fair kwani alilazimishwa?.Yani alimpania kweli i can imagine.Kamdhalilisha mwenzake kwenye TV inayoangaliwa na mamilioni ya watu...kulikuwa kuna haja gani????Afu unajua kabisa huyu mtu ni relevant kwenye spotlight!!!!I find Nando so naive for not being able to keep his mouth shut on TV exposing his stuff to millions of people ambapo wengi wetu tunafurahiaga umbea tu.Funny enough na yeye kajidhalilisha kwa the same number of  people.He's so dumb,did't think he did not know the cameras are on in the BBhouse.Hawa ndo watu wakiachwa na mtu kwa hasira basi mambo yooote anayaweka hadharani,kwa u-tahira wao watu wanapata vya kupigia soga ....afu unalalamikaje watu wakiwasema huku nyie ndo mna expose ma siri yenu kwa dunia nzima..

Unajua zamani when i was still a teenager huko around 17-18 nilikuwaga nikisikia mwanaume anamponda demu wake nilikuwaga nacheka tuu, ulikuwa utoto  though...but now am so grown up,,soooo liberated kiakili.,soo matured aiseee yani nikikusikia unamponda girlfriend wako ( i feel really bad and i stand for my fellow woman tuuuuu no matter what she did.I feel anadhalilishwa, i feel the pain and responsibility to be on the woman's side and the feeling that we women need to remain united usually comes in my mind,yes simply because am  a woman too,ofcourse unless nina ugomvi na huyo mwanamke,na awe she is really a "bore"...

Catherine blogs for medical abortion.....

Sorry guys kwa kupotea for a while, I had to keep up with something,was soooo occcupied  yani hadi I had practically forgotten i have this blog and hav to keep it alive...,yani hadi na password ilishaanza kunitoka kichwani lol...

Well back to the topic,jamani we've been hearing of young ladies dying several times on the process of terminating unwanted pregnancies.Mfano only majuzi tu hapa we we heard of a student  wa chuo aliyekufa kwa kutoa mimba,being specific am speaking of surgical abortion yani zile ambazo mpaka mtu akachoropolewe hospitalini in order to get rid of.

Really hivi huwaga kuna any need of getting rid of your unwanted baby the hard way like that????Of course labda i can understand only if your preg has passed it's earliest stages...,but why would you let it go to that stage if  you never wanted the baby?????I believe mtu yoyote ambaye yuko programmed makes decision from the get go.Immediately when u guys(u&ur man) raelise mna mimba mnafanya maamuzi fastaa!Au mtu unakuwa umejua  kuwa ume conceive baadae saaaana...Hivi kunakuwaga na uwezekano wa kutojua kama una mimba hadi inakuwa kubwa..(okeey,tuache zile complex cases  za ' i didn't know i was pregnant ' hadi mtu unajifungua)...Personally, i don't think kuna ulazima wowote wa mtu ku go through surgic. abortion when you can opt medical abortion which i believe is easier.less risky and above all less of a traumatic experience.I haven't experienced abortion myself,but from experience of others oooooh yees you can tell medical abortion ni 100miles far better compared to mambo ya kukorokochoana hospitalini na mikasi.Those who experienced, say it feels more natural.Something like a natural misscarriage you know................mambo ya kukatana fallopian tubes on the process au mtu unajikuta unakiokota kizazi chako bafuni ukioga kimekudondokea baada ya doctor kukikatakata nani anataka badooo?????????that's soo last millenium!!!

Just to help out,for a medical abortion to be succesful na isikusumbue it depends with the abortionn pills used.My ladies i know most of you may not be familiar na hizi misoprostal and believe a good number ofyou are much more comfortable na vidonge kuliko mikasi sema tu mtu anakuwa hajui pa kuanzia basi ndo hapoo kwenye 'misoprostal' na wala usiwaze where to get them,they are available everywhere in almost all kinds of pharmacies be it large scale hadi kwenye vijiduka vya dawa baridii ....Btw ni one of the registered abortion pills kwa zile nchi ambazo abortion ni ruksa.

According to street talk ya hapa na pale na watu wengi unaambiwa hizi dawa never joke.,Research inaonyesha;of 100 women who used misoprotal,96 were completely succesful.,ni kiboko ya unplanned pregnancies na mambo ya kufa kule kisa umekatwa vitu gani sijui yanakuwa hayapo..Yani eti sijui isitoke ni ndoto.Hakunaga...labda iwe kubwa manake ni effective hadi kwa wale wa 12weeks .Yet ukimaliza you don't have to worry about the possibility of you not being able to conceive in  future.

NB;This article is meant and useful only to my readers/friends who live in those countries where abortion is LEGAL


Mwenyekiti wa makampuni ya IPP Reginald Mengi ametoa ya moyoni kwa wote wenye mpango wa kugombea urais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania miaka miwili ijayo.

Bwana Mengi ameyatoa maombi yake ya moyoni na kuyaweka hadharani kupitia akaunti yake ya twitter, na hiki ndicho alichokiandika;

“Nawaombea Mungu wanaotaka Urais wasipokee mshiko wa mfanyabiashara fisadi mkubwa ambaye pia ni kinara wa madawa ya kulevya.”

Mfanyabiashara ambaye Mengi anamzungumzia hapo ni nani,ndo kwenye utata.Hilo linaweza kuwa ni jiwe gizani kama mlengwa yupo basi ujumbe utakuwa umemfikia ingawa mpaka sasa sielewi kwa hakumtaja kwa jina kabisa angali ana hakika na jambo hilo analolizungumzia.Unajua wanasema always truth,if you can prove it, is an absolute defense to a defamation claim